Saturday, January 29, 2011

Wintergirls Deep Question

In the book Wintergirls, Lia is tortured by the fact that she did not answer the phone when Cassie called her, (33 times). It is obvious that Lia feels guilty about not being there for her friend, when she needed her most. Do you feel that Cassie would have lived if Lia had answered her call? Also, have you ever felt that you have let someone close to you down when they needed you most?


  1. I really don't feel like Cassie would have lived if Lia answered her phone. I feel that Cassie would have died either way. I think that if Lia did answer the phone she might even feel worse about Cassie's death because she might not have gotten to Cassie on time if she knew what was going on and maybe that would have been too much for Lia to handle. I think in High School I had times where I felt like I wasn't a good friend and that choices were being made and if I would have been around for my friend then maybe they wouldn't have made that choice that they did.

  2. I also feel like Cassie would have died whether or not Lia answered the call. Cassie's body was so broken from abuse that it failed her, and Lia couldn't have stopped that. The only change might be that maybe she wouldn't have died that very day, or died alone. Still, Lia can't be to blame. I have a friend who suffers from a mental disease, and it is hard not to feel guilty sometimes about their struggles, but really the disease is out of your control. Take Lia for example, so many people wanted her to get better, but in the end, it had to be her decision. Sometimes all we can do as outsiders is be there to support.

  3. I am with the others and agree that Cassie probably would have died anyway. She was very sick and she was probably attempting to reach Lia by the tim it would have been almost too late anyway. Most would say that its not Lia's fault, but clearly Lia cannot see that and is carrying a tremendous amount of guilt. Fortunately, I have never been involved in such a dire situation!
