Monday, January 31, 2011

Pink is a recurring word or idea in the story. As I read I noticed the word pink used many times. Cassie's mouse was named "Pinky", Lia's "pink mouse stomach likes to be small and empty", Cassie's insides popped like a "pink party balloon", Emma put potato chips one by one into her "pink conveyor belt", when Lia was in treatment they stuffed her full like a "pink little piggy ready for market", and Lia's empty string balloon of guts turned from "pink to ghost gray as the cells died off from neglect". The color pink makes me think of things like pure, young, new, innocent, and unharmed. In our society we associate the color pink with baby girls. What do you the author is trying to convey by using the word pink as a metaphor so often in the story?

1 comment:

  1. I think that pink is used in a pure way. It is used to describe things that Lia felt was good and pretty. As things got worse pink faded to gray "pink to ghost gray as the cells died off from neglect". When she was happy with what she saw or felt she described the feeling as pink like with the above quote where Lia describes her pink stomach that likes to be small and empty.
