Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Deep Question: House of the Scorpion

The book The House of the Scorpion by Nancy Farmer is set in the futuristic land of Opium which is said to be located in between Mexico and the United States. What do you think the significance of this location is on the message/theme Farmer is attempting to convey? Would the story or it's relevancy to current society change if it was set in a different location such as Europe or the Middle East?


Thursday, April 14, 2011

The House of the Scorpion- Deep Question

On page 106, in the novel, The House of the Scorpion, Mr. Alacran explains that his father, El Viejo, believes that implants are immoral. El Viejo believes that God put him on earth for a certain number of years and he mustn't ask for more. Do you agree with El Viejo? If you had the choice to extend your life and live to be 143 years old like El Patron, would you do it? Why or why not?

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

The House of the Scorpion

In The House of the Scorpion, based on Matt’s thoughts as he smashes the window, what do you think he values most in life? More importantly what do you value most in life? I have known people in my past that seem to value things more then people. Have any of you ever experienced anyone like that? This reminds me of the saying, "The Best Things In Life Aren't Things."

Monday, April 11, 2011

The House of the Scorpion

Celia snaps at Matt when he calls her mama. Then she says to him, "I love you more than anything in the world. Never forget that. But you were only loaned to me, mi vida." Why doesn't she explain the term loaned to Matt? Do you think that Celia was really protecting Matt by keeping him locked in her cottage and ignorant about his identity?


Thursday, April 7, 2011

House of The Scorpion

In the book House of the Scorpions, Clones are created in order for people to live forever. Do you think this is ethical? Are clones human? and What factor does GOD play in your decision? If not GOD is this use of clones going against Mother Nature?
What role does religion play in the novel? I think that it is significant. El Viejo rejects the fetal brain implants on moral or religious grounds. How does Celia show her religious traits? Why does El Patron find Mr. Alacran rude when he tries to discuss religion, and specifically El Viejo? Can you sight other spots in the novel that have religious implications? Or religious metaphors?

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

House of the Scorpion Deep Question

In the novel Matteo and Maria develop and special friendship, which blossoms into something more although even their friendship is discouraged, let alone romance between a human and a clone. What do you think would happen if Matteo and Maria were given the opportunity to purse their feelings without disapproval or external influences? Have you ever had a friendship or relationship that was disapproved of or forbidden? If so, do you think those who didn't like the interaction were concerned for your well being or afraid of their own societal hang-ups?

Monday, April 4, 2011

Deep Question / House of the Scorpion.

If human cloning becomes a common practice, would the clones become a new ethnic group? Would American clones have to fight for their constitutional rights such as other groups have in American history?