Thursday, February 17, 2011

Persepolis Deep Question

Most teenagers try to rebel in some way or another and in the book Persepolis (page 112) it is no different,"in spite of everything, kids were trying to look hip, even under risk of arrest." Knowing that wearing something other then the traditional attire would be dangerous, why would Marji do this? And why do you think Marji's parents brought clothes and shoes for her back from Turkey to wear, knowing that it would be dangerous if she got caught? How would life be different in America if you were unable to express yourself through clothing?


  1. Reading this book may be an eye-opener for American adolescents that do not fully appreciate what it means to be free! Imagine what life would be like if were considered illegal to wear a denim jacket and sneakers!

  2. I feel that part of her just wanted to me a normal teen and not have restrictions and be told what she had to wear. I also think that her parents wanted her to be normal as well and because she rebelled so much I think they were hoping that by providing her with this stuff she wouldn't rebel as much. If one day we weren't allowed to wear the cloths that we wanted I think a lot of people would rebel. When kids are told that they can't do something or can't wear something then it makes them want to do it even more.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. I think she wanted to express her individuality and her identity through wearing clothes and things she liked, such as jeans and wearing a Michael Jackson button (I actually have a big one which I think I will start wearing again). Her parents brought her back shoes and clothes from Turkey which were considered dangerous because they did not agree with the new theocratic regime's reactionary and narrow perspective. They wanted their daughter live in a world where she could make her own choices and not be told how to act and how to dress. And life would be much more dull in America if people were told how to dress. Clothes are a sign of identity and uniqueness. How unique and enjoyable is it now to you see a cool fellow wearing a 70s fractal shirt with huge lapels (my dad has one and looks great in it)? Taking that away would stifle a person's drive to express him or herself because they would see self expression as being dangerous and wrong. And that just makes living boring.
