Sunday, March 6, 2011

The Absolutely True Story...

Junior left the Rez in search for a better education and a better chance at a life. The people on the Rez disowned him in a way and thought he was sort of traitor for leaving his people. Have you ever done something to change your life for the better where you feared that you would be disowned by your family or friends?


  1. Yep! I got divorced! I did lose friends, burn bridges and feel like an outcast in certain circles, but it had to be done in order for me to have a better life.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Good question Shelly. I am lucky enough to answer no to your question. But my brother works in Salt Lake City surrounded by a sea of Mormons. Everyone knows they are a conservative bunch who have to marry other Mormons. As my brother has witnessed, sometimes a Mormon man or woman falls in love with a non-Mormon. This person's Mormon family usually disowns him or her for marrying outside their religion. But this person at least married the person he or she chose and can now drink coffee and be energized about the marriage.
