Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Persepolis Deep Question

Marji's parents unselfishly decide to send her to Austria at the young age of 14. The tell her to never forget who she is and where she came from. She fills a jar with Iranian dirt from the garden. If you were forced to leave your home and you knew you may never go back, what would you take with you as a memory of your home?


  1. Good question. I'd bring prairie grass. I think that this landscape is what defines the midwest, and it is one of my favorite places. I think Marji's parents wanted her to remember her roots because it is people like Marji who will be the driving force behind the progression of the country. If all the bright, dedicated, visionary people left forever, who would fight for the future of Iran?

  2. I think I would bring as many photos as I could. There isn't anything about my house that is significant as far as dirt, grass, or anything that would bring back memories of home; but if I could just look at photos of my home, the yard, the plants and trees when they were in full bloom, I think I would be brought back to all of the wonderful memories.
