Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Arnold, our protagonist confronts senseless death over and over. He becomes very depressed, but is always able to overcome these tragedies. What is it that gives him his strength to keep moving forward. Many people in a similar situation would give up, and become victims of their own depression. How is Arnold different?


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. One of the possible reasons...
    He had a teacher who believed in him and let him know it.

  3. I agree with Kathy he did have a teacher who believed in him but I think that teacher just told him what he already knew. Arnold knew he was different. He knew there was something more the world had to offer him. I think the teacher gave him the motivation.

  4. He faced so much adversity in life. Its almost although he became numb to pain. His threshold in terms of what he can handle is probably higher than most people's. What doesn't kill you makes you stronger!

  5. The numerous deaths Junior faced were shared with everyone in his community. Junior wasn't just losing loved ones, in a close knit community like a reservation many people are related to each other or are close so when someone dies the entire community mourns the loss. I think Junior didn't sink further into a depression though because as Emily said he has faced so much adversity in his life it has made him stronger. He had always been viewed as different so it makes sense that he would live his life differently than the rest of his community members on the reservation. In addition to knowing he was different I feel the urging and the mature conversation he has with his teacher served as a motivating force for him to push himself.
