Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Absolutely True Story of a Part-Time Indian Deep Question

Towards the end of the book Junior is recalling the monster pine tree he and Rowdy had climbed and he couldn't believe they had actually done it. Junior also wound up in disbelief he had left the Rez and was succeeding in his new school, something he thought he never thought possible. What else do you think Junior could surprise himself by doing? Have you ever done something you look back on now and can't believe you did or never thought you would actually do?

1 comment:

  1. I really liked this part of the book because I thought the symbolism of the boys climbing the tree was really strong and positive. For Junior, I think climbing that tree symbolizes his quest for a better future and even though he was uncertain of the outcome he kept “climbing.” For Rowdy, I think climbing the tree shows that he has potential to make a better life for himself. By having both boys accomplish the climb in different ways I think Alexie demonstrates to the reader that no matter the approach to bettering one’s self, each approach can be effective and meaningful to the “climber.”
