Thursday, March 10, 2011

the House of the Scorpion

On page 75 we read "Matt was more than a little disappointed when Tam Lin brought out a sleepy gray horse instead of the spirited steed El Latigo Negro rode." This reminded me of how disappointed I was as a child when Mr. Bubble, the character who always showed up to talk to the children in the bubble bath soap commercials, never came to talk to me! Do you have a similar childhood memory where your vision never became a reality?


  1. Haha, Kathy I love this. Mr. Bubble was awesome. I hope someday your dream comes true...maybe a little LSD could make this dream a reality. KIDDING. :)
    I do have a similar childhood memory. I had this troll doll with a jewel in it's stomach and supposedly if you rubbed the troll's jewel tummy and made a wish it would come true. (Now that I think about this that's a little creepy, but whatever) My sister and I used to rub the troll tummy and wish we could fly. Cute, right?

  2. First of all, Mr. Bubble always talks to me. Maybe that is because I mix chemical cleaners when I clean the bathroom.

    I remember getting through-the-roof-excited because Batman...BATMAN!...was going to be at the Red Owl Grocery store by my house. I went down there with my mom and my autograph book AND special pen. To my confussion, it was just some guy in a bad Batman costume that was so big on him that it sagged in several spots.

    i still don't know why they tried to pass him off as the "real Batman". I am sure he would have showed up if they had asked.

  3. Great question, Kathy! I remember finding out that Santa Claus wasn't real. After all those years of leaving out cookies, talking with him on his lap, going on Christmas Eve car rides to look for him in the was just a lie! I was devastated. It turns out the man who would come to our house when we were younger was just my parents' friend. The Christmas Eve car ride to scope out Santa flying in the sky, was really just a way to give my mom time to put out all the presents while we were gone. When we would get back she would say, "Ohh you guys! You JUST missed him! He was just here! He couldn't wait because he has so many houses to visit tonight." Clever, clever I would have to say :)
