Saturday, February 26, 2011

Absolutely True Diary of a Part-Time Indian

On page 11 of the book, Junior states

"I wanted to hate him for his weakness. I wanted to hate Dad and Mom for our poverty. I wanted to blame them for my sick dog and for all the other sickness n the world. But I can't blame my parents for our poverty because my mother and father are the twin suns around which I orbit and my world will EXPLODE without them."

What is your interpretation of this statement? Do you think there is an age level or a developmental level where children move on to a different perception of their parents? (or parent, or guardian/guardians)


  1. I really liked that quote I thought it was a really strong statement. In a way Junior really wanted to hate his parents for everything that had happened in his life but on the other hand he knew that he couldn't because without them he would not be who he was. I think that when children are really small their parents are EVERYTHING to them because they don't know any different, but then once you start getting older and understanding you life and your parents life that you maybe start resenting them and wishing that you had more. I feel that it is just a natural process of getting older and maturing. It is easy to want to blame your parents for everything when you are young but when you get older you understand that they were just doing everything they could for you.

  2. I agree with Sarah, I think that at some point as a teen you realize that your parents are just people and they try their best to help you as much as possible. I think that many children resent their parents for making them pay for things, for making them get a job, for not having the coolest car..., but I think that they also know that without them their world would not be the same. Just like Junior states. You need them and they need you.
