Thursday, February 3, 2011

Pedro And Me-Deep Question

So when Judd got the call from the MTV producers and they asked him if he could live with a person that was HIV positive and Judd said that he would be ok with it, but seemed not really sure about how he felt. What would have been your response if you were back in 1993 and got the call to be on MTV Real World? Keep in mind all the misconceptions about HIV and AIDS. Would you have been ok with it?

1 comment:

  1. I would have been very nervous because at that time many people thought that you could contract HIV through causal contact, such as by touching someone. I may have asked to not sleep in the same room as Pedro or maybe I would have not been on the show at all due to fear of HIV. I recall prior to the 1990s, Ronald Reagan ignored the HIV issues allowing it to be defined as a disease of deviant homosexuals making people less compassionate to people with HIV.
