Thursday, February 10, 2011

Pedro and Me: Deep Question

I found it interesting how in the graphic novel Pedro and Me by Judd Winick, after Pedro became too ill to continue speaking and touring, his friend Judd took over those responsibilities. Have you ever become inspired by another to join a cause or movement? Do you think young adults are more effective educators on teen-issues than doctors, teachers, or parents?



  1. I wouldn't say that young adults are always more effective educators on teen issues but I do believe, if they have an important message, they are likely to be well received because they are closer in age to their audience. I think teenagers often feel more comfortable listening to young adults for this reason. This, of course, does not take away from the many, many adults (of all ages) who can successfully relate to and educate our youth.

  2. I have had the pleasure of becoming passionate about a cause and risking my reputation and a lot of friends to stand by it. It has been one of the best decisions I ever made. I agree with Kathy that young adults may not be as effective when it comes to understanding ALL of the information. However, I do believe that young adults and teens are at a developmental stage where they are able to get more passionate and fired up about fighting for social justice and other issues. They are in a phase where they have the time and energy to devote to promoting their cause. Often times they are not (necessarily) tied down by mortgages, family, economic strains, etc. (Of course I do recognize that there are always exceptions to this, but for the majority I feel this is true).

  3. I don't think one is necessarily better than the other, but I do think that one is more effective in certain situations than the other. I think Pedro was able to reach his audience so effectively because he wasn't coughing up statistics...he was living with AIDS. He was going through everyday what doctors and teachers would only tell you about from hearsay. Pedro knew how to relate to his target audience, he was graphic, detailed, and pulled out all the stops it seemed during his speaking engagements. I think a teacher would have a hard time saying some of things or describing some of the things Pedro talked about as well and they would've sugar-coated it for the audience and I can also see most teachers being very uncomfortable talking about such a subject. And during the time Pedro had AIDS, our country was still lacking such important education that Pedro's life experiences with AIDS and prior to him contracting AIDS had much more of an impact than any teacher or doctor ever could.

  4. I don't think one is necessarily better than the other. However, young adults and adolescents may relate better to one another as opposed to listening to bla bla ramblings of adults. For this reason, young people that are dedicated to a cause and the education of others can be fiercely effective!
