Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Pedro & Me Deep Question

This interesting graphic novel, showed us how this intelligent, young man completely changed his life plans after discovering that he had Aids. I believe this was due to a strong need to help and inform others of this terrible disease. If you found out that you had a life altering disease, would you do things differently in your life? And why? Also, if this were you, do you think you would have the courage to do what Pedro did?


  1. If I had a life altering disease, I imagine I would battle it to stay alive as long as I could. This, in itself, could take up a great amount of energy. I would hope that the battle would give me a greater appreciation for the important stuff and stop me from sweating the small stuff. At the very least, this could be my legacy to those close to me. (Gee...this self-introspection makes me think I should be working on this more anyway.) If I had the time and strength, I would like to think that I would have the courage to do what Pedro did. He was an incredible young person.

  2. If I had a life altering disease I believe I would reevaluate my life and make changes in my life and in myself for the better that would have an impact of people long after I'm gone.

    That being said, I ask this question: Pedro had HIV/AIDS and became an educator... when we say "would we change our life?" I often find myself mad at myself because it shouldn't take a life altering disease to want to make positive changes for yourself. Why does our society often see the only acceptable time to make positive changes is when we are faced with a crisis or disease? Why can't we just want to be better people to be better people regardless of any outside circumstances?
